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Training Session on " of Continuous Training Methodology and the New Training Tools" (Beirut-Lebanon, from 28 to 30 September 2010)

In the context of the Project on "Provision of Legal Training Components for Legal Institutions of Iraq" implemented by ACRLI with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Iraq; ACRLI organized a training session on " continuous training Methodology and the new training tools", In collaboration with the French National School for the Judiciary (ENM), from 28 to 30 September 2010 in Beirut.

The participants included members from the Ministry of Justice on Iraq and Iraqi judges as well as prosecutors.

The workshop aimed at providing participants with knowledge and know-how on the techniques for training of trainers methodology as well as enhancing their capability in identifying and evaluating the different pedagogical methods.

1- Agenda (Arabic)
Explanatory Paper

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